Guest post over at La Femme Readers and a great review over at The Wormhole

Joanne has a great guest post over at La Femme Readers. Many thanks to Eleni for the opportunity.

There’s a great review of Danann Frost Falls from Grace over at The Wormhole. This is another review of a book from the review copy giveaway over at Theresa’s Fade into Fantasy a little while back, and we’d like to thank both Beverly for the review and Theresa for the opportunity to get a whole swag of review copies out to interested bloggers at once.

Australian edition arrived

The short run Australian edition arrived late last week, and Joanne was very impressed with how it turned out. We will both be very busy over the next month organising promotion, and I have to finish off the ebook and print-on-demand editions so readers who can’t get to the launch stand a chance of getting the book as soon as possible afterwards. Joanne has had a few questions about pre-orders already, and we would love to answer them but we can’t until we have things nailed down with the ebook vendors and our US printers… and that can’t happen until we’ve submitted final versions, and that can’t happen until we’re completely happy with how they will look. I’ll be submitting the paper version tonight, and should find the ebook a little easier now I have a better set of tools to build it with.

Want a copy of the Australian edition of Danann Frost Falls from Grace?

Readings in Carlton have them – if you want one in a hurry, and don’t have connections in the Cult of Jojo (as we affectionately refer to some of  Joanne’s more active fans) who can hook you up with one, they’re your best bet.  It’s not listed on their website, but they definitely have stock. It’s now on their website, but as you can only find it through a search by ISBN we’ve stuck this handy link to it here. RRP $29.95

There hasn’t really been any formal way – apart from the events, of course – of getting signed copies until now. This gives people another option. We only have Australian pricing there at the moment, but if anyone overseas wants one we’ll happily figure out a shipped price on a case-by-case basis.

Please remember, this is registered post with a return receipt so we can hassle Australia Post in the event of non-delivery. Please also remember that – when compared with the RRP – the postage has been VERY heavily subsidised, and that it also involves things like driving to the post office, filling out forms, waiting in a queue and probably buying the packaging materials as well. I tried to talk her into setting direct-ordered signed copies at least five dollars above where they are – as I’ll probably be the one driving to the post office, waiting in line etc – but Joanne was most insistent on doing this because her readers mean everything to her. I’m not sure how long we’ll be able to keep up this particular service at this price, as we don’t want to tread on any retailers’ toes, but it’ll be fun while it lasts.

(edited 2010-08-01; added link to book at Readings)

What a day – part 2

The Melton talk was tonight (last night? It’s after midnight…) and it went very well in front of a receptive crowd. Joanne gets better with each one she does, and kept the audience engaged and entertained.

Afterwards, the local chapter of the Cult of Jojo dragged her off to share a bottle of something sparkling and celebratory.