Now available on Kindle and iTunes, as well as in print.

The first 19 chapters of Danann Frost Falls from Grace are available as a free sample "taster edition" PDF document. Information on where to buy the complete paperback edition can be found here.

Danann Frost is thousands of years old, yet young for her kind. She is a creature of the Light, an of the Seraphim; a race of beings that live beyond our world. She has been cast out of paradise and Fallen from Grace, all for the love of a Dark One...a vampire. The only problem is...Seth did not want her and told her to go and not come back. Danann has made a life for herself amongst the vampires of this world and they protect her fragile nature. She and the vampire Asher live on the fringes of the human world; love and loyalty cannot separate them but trouble and vengeance are on their way.

After two hundred years of enduring the crippling punishments of her Fall, Seth walks back into her life but he is bitter and angry and out for revenge. Thank God he is after someone else...or is he?

Can Danann escape the dark intentions of her once-beloved for whom she Fell from Grace, or has she put all those that she holds dear in danger? Journey with Danann as she takes the path to taking back her Light and ascending to be Angel once more. Will the Archangel Uriel surrender her Light or will Danann be doomed to walk in darkness forever?

The sequel, Danann Frost Embraces the Darkness, has been written and is currently under edit. It promises to be bigger, better and more exciting than the first. Mia becomes a really kick-arse bitch in the second book - in a good way - and that's about all we're going to say for now.


Joanne Valiukas